Thibault Maekelbergh

👋🏻 About

If you’re just looking for my resume you can download it right here.

Graduated from the wonderful Devine (Howest) in 2017.

I can’t stop learning new stuff. Making and doing things with code, electronics or food is my everlasting passion. Aside from that I adore digging through record crates trying to find some nice records, tinkering with electronics & IoT, cooking & perfecting dishes and configuring my homelab.

I used to have a go to programming language (and I still mainly use Javascript/TS) but steered towards experimenting with every language in the last years. Currently investing a lot of time dabbling with Go & Nix.

I'm pretty fucking in Bash. Automation is my grail. I hate repetitive work that can be automated and am a sucker for productivity hacks. Currently exploring how AI plugs into that.

I previously freelanced at NephroFlow, interned at Edenspiekermann in Berlin, worked at In The Pocket and currently work at Payflip as CTO.

Originally from Bruges and forever will be true to this most wonderful city on earth. Lived in Berlin for a while, consider myself more Berlin than you, but I'm probably not. Plays a lot of loud techno music or cheesy obscure disco and spins very loud records at home.

PS: Also writing on about home automation.