Thibault Maekelbergh

Apple Shortcuts

This is a collection of Apple Shortcuts I've created and templates to use in your own flows.


  • Screenshot Note (iOS), Screenshot Note (macOS): Takes a screenshot and adds it to with a hashtag

  • Triple Tap Quick Note Screenshot: Link this in the Accessibility menu of iOS to perform the Screenshot Note shortcut when triple tapping the back of the phone

  • XLD: MP3: Converts an audio file to MP3 using, requires installed via Homebrew.

  • XLD: FLAC: Converts an audio file to FLAC using, requires installed via Homebrew.

  • Flatten folder: Flattens content across nested folders.

  • Scale image to 50%: Resizes an image to half of its original size. Useful for when images end up on non-retina displays

Shortcut templates

  • Get current Finder window: Gets the frontmost finder Window (using AppleScript) and sets it in the variable CURR_FINDER_WINDOW.

  • File to shell: Takes a single file input from something like Quick Actions and passes that to a shell. Exposes the variables FILE, FILE_DIR, FILE_BASENAME and FILE_NAME to the shell.