Get cross-domain errors in the console because you’re running
instead of a real http://
server suck.I rarely use the file protocol anymore because it’s way simpler to just start a server from terminal, it’s baked into OS X!Also I hate starting MAMP for anything without a database.
The only real magic it requires is a python command: python -m SimpleHTTPServer
but I simplified this even more and created a noob-proof executable script, which you can just double click to start the server.
It will also check if you have an entry point (index.html for example) and only run the server if the entry point file exists. Otherwise it will send a notification (10.8+) with the error message. If the entry file is found it starts the server and opens it in the browser.
Double clicking is the only required skill here!
bashcd "$(dirname "$0")" #Get current directoryENTRY=index.html #Set the entry point for the serverif [ -f "$ENTRY" ]; then #Check if the entry exists then go onsleep 1 && open "http://localhost:8000/"; #Delay a second then open localhostpython -m SimpleHTTPServer; #Start the HTTP Serverelse #Send an alertosascript -e 'display notification "No entry point found, quitting." with title "Missing index.html"'fi
Getting errors?Try cd’ing to the directory where you placed the Server Script and use
chmod +x HTTPServer.command
to make it executable again.
More about the python command it possible options like port specifying? Read it here