Thibault Maekelbergh

🙏🏻 Thank You

Today, after spending 4 years in college, I signed my first contract at In The Pocket as a full stack developer.

Can't wait to start working here, but I realise that none of this would have been possible without the contribution of the people below.

I would never be where I now am without every one of them. Of course, a list in no order.

Thank you:

  • Mom & dad

    for giving me the option to follow a 3 year course (ultimately ending up being 4 years) which they had no clue of what it consisted. For the other support throughout every day in life.

  • My brother

    for being the crazy guy he is, playing Playstation together, laughing at stupid things and taking my mind off in general. Someone I truly admire for his perseverance and intelligence.

  • Lotte Bijlsma

    the girl & love I met in school. You made me strive for the best and only the best. Always supportive, always perfect. No more words needed.

  • Geoffrey Dhuyvetters

    who taught me everything I wanted to know about coding and the web. You spiked my interest for developing and wanting to pursue a career in development. I owe a lot to the skills you transferred into my brain and I'm eternally grateful for that.

  • Arne, Simon, Wouter, Gertjan and Jean at Typework/NephroFlow

    for taking a curious development student into work for a month. I found a true love for functional programming here and love that I got the opportunity here to work in a production environment startup. Keep on doing what you do.

  • The complete #devinehowest team

    The best higher educational course there is for design & dev in Belgium. Pushing their students to only go for the best and create crazy cool shit.

  • My ex-girlfriend

    for breaking up with me. If I wouldn't of gotten this, I would have never had the possibility to grow, become a great programmer and pursue a successful career and happy life.

  • Kevin Meyvaert

    The interesting dude that I started talking to in my second year of Devine, and which turned out to be a long-lasting friendship throughout school & life. Glad to call him my co-worker soon!

  • Gerben Geeraerts

    Another weird guy which in who I found my peer. Thanks for those cool years in Devine and the ridiculously funny conversations we have.

  • Jonas Leupe

    Another part of the devinemates, the guy who takes crazy cool pictures and rocks a design. Thanks for the insights & hangouts during those 3 years.

  • Anthony Magnus

    for being that weirdest friend of them all and giving our gang laughs at Devine. Good luck in your future plans mate!

  • Allegra, Anna, Arthur, Daniel, Dimitri, Eric, Fei, Louise

    the team that took me in at Edenspiekermann and made my scary time in Berlin turn into a nice 3 months filled with good work, laughter, hanging out and enjoying work & Berlin. Thank you gang, keep doing what you do, each one of you.

  • Everyone at Espi

    for making a family like I've never seen one in a company. Espi is all about the people and the people make it a great place.

  • My Lab9 mates

    crazy-good-friends and people who can make you laugh in a pinch. Always up for a drink or Vedettje at Republiek (RIP).

  • Alexis Moust

    my non developer/designer friend who I thank for an awesome & super-valued friendship and our hour-long talks about Floating Points, jazz, records, concerts, music… over a nice beer or cocktail.

Please note that if you feel like I've forgotten you, it's not because you're not on the list that I didn't remember you. Thank you as well.